Enter an ancient world rising from the depths of the last ice age, where mythology, lore, and original storytelling combine in this captivating 114-page book.

The Seed will only sprout when the tall tree no longer casts it’s dark shadow

The world slithers closer to death

Privileged beings cling to the slipping rope in hopes they can hold the world in place. They whine and shriek as the rope rips the flesh from their burned hands.

The masses caught underneath carry the world on their back. Their weary stare fixed forward as their trembling feet dig into the ground.

Their pain, dulled by a pleasant thought. When they finally reach the edge...

....they will discard god and all down the endless chasm.

They will bask in the light of the world reborn.

The book contains vivid color illustrations that breathe life into characters and landscapes.

Detailed character descriptions and locations come to life in the lore book, setting the stage for the unfolding narrative. Through flash fiction, readers gain intimate insights into the lives of ancient inhabitants. At its core, the book weaves an original tale set in a time ripe with mystery, adventure, and the discovery of arcane secrets. Within these pages, a richly imagined world steeped in mythology and history invites the reader through a unique odyssey.

Keepers of the Seal: Orubas is created by Marcel Mercado, an accomplished fantasy illustrator. His passion for storytelling has allowed him to move into IP development where he's been able to blue sky, and develop several projects for clients such as Disney and Meta. His works have appeared in popular games such as, Gearbox's Borderlands, D&D's Tyranny of Dragons, and Kobold Press' Deep Magic. Marcel's work got nominated for the Chesley Award, and featured in "Infected by Art", Imagine FX, and Io9.

I must have this book in my life!!!

Enter an ancient world rising from the depths of the last ice age, where mythology, lore, and original storytelling combine in this captivating 114-page book.

  • Nov 2023, pp. 114, 8.5" x 11" hardcover
  • ISBN: 979-8-9894608-0-9
  • Available as e-book
  • Buy Now